¡Hola! Hello everyone! It's been a busy summer. I've been so preoccupied with my research and the McNair Summer Academy that I haven't had a chance to update how my research is going. I've narrowed down my research topic or focus for now to the the women of the EZLN. At the end of the six-week McNair Summer Academy I am participating in, I have to present a research proposal for an audience—so I needed to narrow and refine my research topic for the sake of time. Because my research will continue during my senior year and into graduate school, I will have more time after the six weeks to expand my research to the use of electronic civil disobedience within the EZLN and other topics I am interested in.
As of now, my research questions are:
- How do women's roles within the Zapatista movement impact and complicate often problematic assumptions of feminism and activism?
- How can the actions and experiences of the Zapatista women be considered a form of grassroots feminist activism?
As a sub-topic, I would like to also explore the following question:
- How has the internet and social media help spread the EZLN's message of resistance to a global scale and change the way we think about feminism and activism?